Got skateboard?

This one is for all my skateboarders, I get it! Riding the skateboard is what it’s all about, but there are times that you’re holding it by your side because of many circumstances. The Original External Backpack Net lets you attach your board to your backpack if you need to lug it around for a while until you can ride it again, It’s an easy attachment to your pack, and it keeps you hands-free while your trekking with it. Let’s get packing!

Attach the top of net (short tail) and let the net hang

There is no wrong way to do this. It’s what I found easiest and secure for my kid to lug his board around when needed.

Wrap the net around the trucks.

So the top of the net is attached to your grab handle, and now the net is hanging down, grab the whole net and wrap it around the one end where your trucks are located.

The trucks at the other end

Poke both your wheels through the mesh to secure and help with gravity when you wear your pack. your gonna flip the pack around next to wrap the net around and secure it close to the pack to keep it from swaying.

Your fixed end (No tail end)

Now that your pack is flipped around,, grab the fixed end and clip it to a mesh on the other side of the pack. Make sure you go through your straps to keep exposed so you can wear your pack

Wrapping the Long tail

OK, the fixed end is clipped now. We take the long tail to weave thru a mesh on the bottom and come up and around the fixed end, grab a mesh, and repeat, joining both ends, keep in mind your skateboard is going to hang lower, and we are weaving around it. It’s supported by the wheels poking thru the mesh on the other side. Undo the long tail daisy chain if you need more tail to wrap cinch on a mesh when all is secure. The goal is to keep it tight up against the pack to keep it from swaying. Hope this helped, So go carry on and ride with the wind!

Pack Hold Carry

It is a very functional and versatile net to keep you hands-free. Always keep in mind the weight you place on your pack for comfort. Always double-check your connections before you venture out, and keep it tight against your pack, as always there is no right way or wrong way to secure your items to your pack…just make sure it’s secure and PACK HOLD CARRY where your pack goes when the time calls for it.


The Mini OPSnet and a drawstring bag


Minimal PALS webbing and anchor points?