Got a Drawstring bag?

The Mini OPSnet is a perfect size for those common drawstring bags. The original external backpack net would work also, but I find it more cumbersome, and it is overkill for these smaller little packs. The Mini OPSnet just seems to have the right size for it to create an extra pocket when these smaller packs fill up easily with stuff that one is carrying.

Start at the top

Wrap the top of the Mini OPSnet thru and around the drawstring strap and let the net hang down.

Cinching the bottom together

Take your long tail thru the straps, then start weaving thru the bottom meshes over top of your long tail and repeat until the bottom is cinched up together.

Your net pocket is set up

So you can see the pocket is set up in the front, but the back is sagging, and there is a gravity issue. No worry, grab the sag and lift, and with the long tail, weave side to side and go thru the pulled-up sag to anchor it up. There is no right or wrong way. Just secure your load, and your long tail is your friend to cinch and tighten things up. Undo the daisy chain if you need more slack for the tail.

Wrap it, Cinch it, Tighten it, and Clip it.


The MiniOPSnet and the Sling Pack


Got skateboard?