Use more of what the backpack is set for.

This may surprise you, but your everyday backpack can do more… with a little help from your friend.

The helping hand your pack needs to pack, hold, and carry more hands-free when the time calls for it.

Sometimes, you have to think outside the box. I’m sure when the aircraft carrier was thought out no different; they were thinking big and functional right out of the gate. I know; what does this have to do with the backpack? Well, in short, it functions like an aircraft carrier. The rigging system is already set up to be carried on your back with the pockets that they provide. Now, what if the pockets don't fit everything you want to bring? You can add Molle pouches to your existing PALS webbing with Molle backpacks. That is what makes it so functional and probably why it's the pack of choice for the military, Captain America, and such. The rigging system is already in place. But let's say you don’t want to rock a Molle pack downtown where you work or look all special ops at college. The everyday backpack is already set up to be an aircraft carrier if needed; it has the most common parts, from the grab handle to the straps, to be carried on your back for ease, maneuverability, and practicality. Your carrier would be a backpack net. You only need it when the time calls for it. Some backpacks already come with a mesh pocket similar to the mesh you find at the grocery store for lemons and oranges, but those pockets are limited in size and, quite frankly, not as durable as what other nets can be constructed from. So, what am I suggesting? Oh, you guessed it! The All-American Backpack Accessory! The backpack net for your aircraft carrier because when the time calls for it, you can supersize your pack to pack, hold, and carry more.

I chose the 550 paracords just because the cord itself is durable, rot, and mildew resistant. The weight and size seem to go well with backpacks, whereas other thinner cords are easier to manage. Still, it didn’t look proportionate to the pack itself, so I rolled with it, and it provides that helping hand to keep your hands free for all sorts of things you get into when you and your pack are out and about. No machine weaving and meshing here. I hand-crafted all nets with attention to detail at every knot and mesh. That is why I say this product has your back as well as I do. I’ve been changing the size of backpacks one net at a time for ease and comfort on all your backpack needs during what the day brings you during your daily grind to all your adventures, journeys, and all modes of commute—Got Backpack?


The Molle pack Pal for the PALS webbing


Another grab handle on my Molle pack!