The Concrete Jungle
City life is unique, from the day and nightlife of everyday life living and visiting in the city. You wake up, go thru your routine, and gather your things for your day. You step outside and just before you you take your first steps the thought crosses your mind… do I have everything? I know when I lived in the city in my younger years this question was brought up many times every morning and I succeeded as much as I failed to answer that question. You have to live in the city to appreciate the dynamic and clout the urban trekker must endure and experience. My bicycle was my go-to means of getting around, sneakers were my second choice, and crunch time was the bus and/or taxi when it made sense.
Chances are if you live in the city transport and weather play a role in your daily routine. If it was raining then I’m probably not even outside, and the winter snow storms grounded my bike many times until roads were cleared so walking came into play a lot. I remember many times on my bike rides in the city, thinking of getting groceries and stuff for the week. I’m out, I got my backpack mine as well do this and get this done. It always seemed that the amount of space in my pack and what I can fit on the handlebars dictated what I can carry from point A to B. The days you know you were going to load up with stuff, you knew you were getting a taxi to load up its trunk or borrowing a friend’s car.
Need to supersize your pack for convenience? Check out the All-American backpack accessory
I wake up now every day in my small town and my days can pretty much be the same, with no regrets of course. During my city days, there were never two days the same. Pedestrians among masses of other people, street vendors, street artists (which were my favorite) from the police to the construction crew to the average joe; they’re all working, walking, riding, and driving in every direction. Who knows what is on their minds, and who knows what they’re up to, but it is all of them every day at every block and alley that make the city who it is and how it comes alive.
And only in the city does it also have a dynamic and characteristic when the sun goes down, it almost takes on another life and with it brings a vibrant picturesque nightlife that every city claims to have the best. One can take for granted so much commotion and distraction with every step you take in your daily travels through the concrete jungle, something to do, something to see, the foods and drinks from vendors to coffee shops and bars, to the numerous unique boutique shops. It’s never a dull moment, and your backdrop of towering skyscrapers is one of a kind from city to city.
If you have ever been to the city then you know the downside of it also because it just stands out, from the rats that sometimes run out squeaking and diving in heaps of trash, to the far out to the far from home individuals, but it’s the by-product of the city, they say it comes with good and bad, and every city has it all, you just have to go and visit and experience it. So grab your backpack and your most comfortable walking shoes, find a parking garage if you want to brave driving in, or grab public transit to get dropped off at the “Busiest place on earth.” whether it’s downtown, center city, uptown just soak it in, roll with the punches because your gonna have stories to tell so make memories and be safe and adventurous wherever the day takes you.
Got backpack? Need a helping hand carrying stuff that doesn’t fit in it? Go On and Carry on and keep it hands-free!