From our Brain to our Hands
A great saying is where you don’t know where to begin, just begin. It’s just that concept that we will figure out what we don’t know when we cross that bridge. Humans are incredible with the idea of “from the cuff” and “learning on the fly” to get to the point where we create. The proof is all around us, so what separates us from AI to the monkeys is what we can do with our hands. The thought of the idea, the tools needed, the first step, the second step, and the final product—a true testament to a masterpiece, a work of art. But wait, what if it sucked, all that time spent on something that wasn’t up to par. It can be a little disheartening, but there is a saying: to get knocked down seven times to get up eight. We backtrack from our final product and can see where we went wrong; this may have been a better option. We learn, and we should move on and try again. Being an artist can be discouraging from our ideas to a final product that people don’t see value. They don’t get it, and you open yourself up to scrutiny and lousy critique, but it’s all good because we create; that’s what we do.
I'm 53 and I never worked with leather, so let's give it a go!
So, they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, hogwash; I’m learning a new trick, and it’s working with leather. I find it relaxing, and I’m sure that will change the moment I lose a finger but wish me luck. We, artists, are a gluten for punishment when we put our work out there, but we had an idea; maybe it’s what we thought was a good idea, maybe it is something we like to do, and we believe it can provide novelty, comfort and sure perhaps it can solve problems.
Got idea? Just do it!
So, my brain tells me I have an idea. My brain and I are wondering what we should make out of it. Do you know how to do that? I tell my brain, of course not, but let’s learn, And you guessed it, YOUTUBE! There are brilliant teachers out there; I’m at the point where I am thirsty for knowledge, and YouTube scratches that itch. Being an artist, I have said before, “You need to be inquisitive.” So, from step one to step one hundred, we learn, we fail, and we understand it better, and the end result is what comes from our brain to what we make with our hands, and we share it with friends and family, and they say what is that, and maybe they say it’s cool or I don’t get it… and that’s OK.
From step one to step 100.
If your wheels are turning, and you have an idea, do it, research what you don’t know, and learn, then apply it. You may come up with something that helps you out, and it's your unique idea that you did. You get to own it, and the process to where it got you to that final product is well rewarded because you finished what you started. You learned what you did not know how to do, and you applied that artistic touch to what you may enjoy.
!Sucess! It works!
I hope this inspires you to begin… just begin, and the momentum will get you to the finish line. Be inquisitive and solve problems, from the little ones to the big ones. There is a little bit of art in every one of us; begin from your brain to your hands, and you may surprise yourself.
That being said, I am surprised with my tobacco holder catcher mitt. I can’t say I took the time to name it, but it’s mine; it works, I learned, I conquered, and it’ll be in my pack where the day takes from time to time. I cherish my small victories because I’ve grown from that kid who didn’t want to be as inquisitive and wasted time not trying to surprise myself; I hope you use time wisely and get out there and seize the day.